With a new series of sophisticated cutting-edge rugs, the intricately designed Nirvana Couture Rug Collection takes our popular Nirvana line to the next level. Each Nirvana Couture rug is Wilton-loomed and hand-finished, marring modern day technology with traditional handcraft and artistry.

The rugs in this collection offer transitional designs that are the embodiment of luxury and elegance. Adorned with decorative elements, the collection exhibits an artful blend of traditional design elements with a bold contemporary color palette.

Unlike inexpensive machine-made carpets produced from acrylic and polypropylene, the Nirvana Couture is a true product of nature, made from high quality wool and bamboo silk. Through reviving the 500-year tradition of Oushak carpet making, Nirvana Couture offers a more affordable alternative to our higher-end lines, while still remaining uncompromising in style and authenticity.

Explore the complete Nirvana Couture Rug Collection here: https://samad.com/sale/nirvanaCouture.html

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